So, I finally finished Hansel and Gretel. It was a lot of fun to paint. I've promised myself that I will draw more, paint more and post more this year. I have started to slip and let life get in the way for the last 5 or 6 months so I am re-prioritizing. More art, less stress, and no more working on school work excessively. Cyan and I are both burned out and the year isn't even half way over for us. I started Will Terry's mini-Illustration class and I've got to say it has inspired me to work harder. I've been letting the everyday get in the way and it's time to re-dedicate myself. So, check out
Will's videos, they are great and they are reasonably priced. There's a lot you may already know, but I love the way he thinks and there is something to take away from each one, and there are things that I know that I forget about while I'm painting, so it's a great reminder of how important those aspects are. Plus, if we all use them, maybe we'll get lucky and he'll do more :). I love it when people share their knowledge and expertise. So, I'm off to a good start, I see that I am already wearing down the pen tip on my newest Wacom and I've only had it since the end of November. Of course this could mean that I'm bearing down too hard, I have to remind myself to loosen up from time to time. My favorite pen tip is the one with the spring, and of course it only comes with one of those. I guess I'll be ordering more ;). Thanks for stopping by and to all of you good people who take the time to comment, thank you and I truly appreciate it. Oh, and feel free to critique, I don't mind, it's how we learn to see our work through others eyes.