I have been so blessed to have met some really wonderful people since I started my blog. I consider them my friends, though we have never actually met. I trust their opinions, I appreciate their comments and I love their blogs. I have been given several awards and I honestly did not have time to accept at least one of them properly, so, I am doing it now. You all are so sweet, generous and thoughtful, thank you!
The Creative Writer Blogger Award
Here are the rules:
1. Thank the person who gave this to you.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you.
4. Tell up to six outrageous lies about yourself, and at least one outrageous truth.
5. Nominate seven "Creative Writers" who might have fun coming up with outrageous lies.
6. Post links to the seven blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know you nominated them.
Susan Mordigal nominated me for the lovely award
My Lies and Single truth are:
1. I am actually a world class chef and went to school in France to study when I was in my early 20's.
2. When my husband was in the military, we actually met the Queen of England and she invited us to tea.
3. When my children were very young I decided that I had no talent and stopped doing any artwork for 10 years. I did not start painting again until my oldest child was in middle school.
4. We do BBQ competitions quite frequently and have won many championships.
5. When my grandparents were young my grandfather was a revenue officer. His job was to arrest people for making moonshine and to destroy their stills. One day he actually tied a man to a tree in the woods in the Appalachian mountains while he went in search of his still and supplies. While searching for the still he got lost. As a result he left him there all night because he couldn't find where he had left him. While he was trying to find his way back he found a 3 1/2 carat amethyst and had it set into a ring for my grandmother.
6. I have traveled all over the world and cooked for many famous people.
7. When I was 13 years old Dr. Seuss(Theodor Seuss Geisel) came to my middle school art class and talked about what it was like to be an author/illustrator. That is the day that I decided that one day I would write and illustrate childrens books.
And the nominees are:
* Ok, so I didn't nominate seven blogs; many of my friends already have this award. Please do not feel obligated to follow the rules in order to accept this award. Just copy and paste the award into your blog without all the hubub if you'd like because that's cool too!
The Renee Award
Thank you to Susan and to Shirley for giving me this award. It is such a special award. To find out why please go to
Ces's blog and read the story behind it. Ces and Bella created this award and it is as beautiful as it is sweet. Because of what this award stands for, even though I know most of you already have this award, I want to give it to the people who have supported me the most and made me feel at home in the world of blogging, and to a few newer friends too.
So, that being said, this award goes to:
Wow, this one I have to give to a lot of the same people because they are my dearest bloggy friends and have been so wonderful and supportive.
Last, but not least, the
Zombie Chicken Award
Thank you to Justin for this crazy fun award! Hope you don't mind Justin, I am going to have to marinate on this one for a little while before passing it on or I will end up giving it to all the same people again!